Auto Locksmith Great Shelford

Fast, Reliable, Efficient

Key Repair, Cutting and Programming

Same Day, Next Day, Emergencies

Car Locksmith Services in Great Shelford (CB2, CB22)

JSP Auto Locksmith Services: Prompt, Professional, Locksmith Solutions in Great Shelford.
Available Same Day or Next Day.

We look forward to assisting you

Why Choose JSP Autolocksmith?

At JSP Autolocksmith, our dedication to transparency, ethical service, and excellence sets us apart. Our experienced locksmiths use the most advanced technology to solve your issues quickly and effectively, ensuring your peace of mind and safety on the road.

Emergency car key cutting

Emergency Car Lockout Services:

Providing quick, reliable services for individuals who have locked themselves out of their vehicles. This may involve non-destructive entry methods to open the car without damaging the lock or vehicle.

Snapped car keys repaired

Key Cutting and Duplication:

Offering precision key cutting and duplication services for a wide range of vehicle makes and models. This includes the creation of spare keys, replacement of lost keys, and duplication of existing keys.

Automotive security services

Transponder Key Programming:

Specializing in programming or reprogramming of transponder keys, which are a standard part of most modern vehicles’ anti-theft system. This service would involve aligning the transponder key’s chip with the vehicle’s immobilizer and ECU.

Auto locksmiths same day service

Broken Key Extraction and Repair:

Providing services to extract broken keys from locks or ignition systems without damaging the vehicle, followed by the repair or replacement of the damaged key.

Car key cutting and programming

Ignition Repair and Replacement:

Offering repair services for damaged or faulty ignition systems. This may involve replacing the entire ignition switch or repairing the current system to ensure the vehicle operates correctly.

Fixed car keys

High-Security Key Services:

Creating and programming high-security keys that are resistant to duplication and picking. These keys often have unique designs and require specialized equipment to replicate.

We look forward to assisting you

Auto locksmith near me

Your Expert Local Auto Locksmith in Great Shelford

Great Shelford, a quintessential English village, rests four miles south of the renowned university city of Cambridge.

Steeped in history dating back to Roman times, the village offers a charming blend of tradition and modern life. Great Shelford boasts a population of around 4,500 residents, fostering a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

The village exudes a rich architectural heritage. St. Mary and St. Michael’s Church, a captivating structure with origins dating back centuries, stands as a testament to Great Shelford’s past.

Explore the village further, and you’ll encounter historical gems like the Perse School, one of England’s oldest independent schools, established in 1615.

Great Shelford even holds a link to the world of rock and roll; an early version of Pink Floyd played here in their formative years.

Great Shelford, a vibrant and bustling village gem

Beyond its historical significance, Great Shelford offers a vibrant present. The village bustles with local shops, pubs serving up classic English fare, and restaurants catering to diverse tastes. For those seeking cultural experiences, the Stapleford Granary Arts Centre, located in the neighbouring village of Stapleford, offers a stage for performances, exhibitions, and artistic ndeavors.

Every July, the Shelford Festival & Feast transforms the village into a lively community gathering, attracting visitors with renowned musicians and comedians. Whether you’re seeking a historical exploration, a taste of local life, or a dose of culture, Great Shelford offers a delightful English village experience.

We look forward to assisting you

Contact Us

07359 257 344

car door lock


Operating Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 8am - 6pm


Car key in hand
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